
The Institute of Instructional and School Development (German abbreviation: IUS) focuses its activities on those who learn and those who teach, on learning arrangements, organisations, and the educational system. It operates in the action fields of research and development, as well as those of teaching and counselling in the educational sphere, and it actively participates in national and international projects.

Another of the IUS’ main areas of interest lies in teacher education and in-service training of teachers and also encompasses aspects pertaining to teacher professionalism. All of the institutes’s working processes are geared towards the sustainability of action and the participation of all stakeholders. The lively exchange between school practice, science, and the school authority is a distinctive characteristic of the IUS.

The Institute of Instructional and School Development (IUS) is an organizational unit within the Faculty of Cultural and Educational Sciences at the Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt. Since 2004, it also bears the distinction of being one of six Austrian Educational Competence Centres (AECC).
