

Stefan Brauckmann is appointed as Professor for Quality Development and Quality Assurance in the Field of Education; the IUS is once more assigned to the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies (IFF); organisation and running of the IMST Day (20.3.2015); ÖFEB Conference (30.8.–1.9.2015); IMST Conference and IMST Award (22.–24.9.2015); the IUS takes over the coordination of the ÖKOLOG Network; Barbara Hanfstingl concludes her habilitation and is granted the venia (authorisation to teach) for Differential and Personality Psychology as well as Educational Psychology; Stefan Zehetmeier concludes his habilitation and is granted the venia for Teacher Education; Gertraud Benke concludes her habilitation and is granted the venia for Instructional Research; start of five new PFL programmes (2015-2017) and two ProFiL programmes (2015-2017); Erasmus contracts with the University of Erfurt and the University of Cyprus. As part of his sabbatical, Konrad Krainer lectures as visiting professor at the Charles University in Prague (5.10.-20.11.2015).


Organisation and running of the IMST Day (14.3.2014); symposium on “Gender- and Diversity-Competent Instruction” (31.3.2014); IMST Conference and IMST Award (23.-25.9.2014); graduation ceremony of the PFL programmes (21.11.2014); Johannes Mayr officially ends his activities as university professor at the IUS on 30.9.2014; on behalf of the AAU, the IUS participates (steering committee, project management, EG Principles of Educational Science, EG PPS) in the Development Association South/East within the scope of the New Teacher Education Framework.


As from 1.3.2013, the IUS is formally assigned the responsibility for the coordination of the teacher education programmes and for the management of the educational theory aspects of the teacher education programmes; organisation and running of the IMST Conference and the IMST Award (24.-26.9.2013); the IUS in Vienna (Schottenfeldgasse) relocates to the fourth floor; two additional university certificate programmes (“Collegial Learning” and “Mentoring”) commence in the autumn of 2013.


A new Head of Department is appointed (Franz Rauch, as of 1.1.2012); the AAU receives the Sustainability Award 2012 in recognition of the IMST Project; the SoE is founded (founding event on 24.9.2012 with Federal Minister Töchterle) and the IUS is assigned to the university centre School of Education together with all members of staff; Konrad Krainer is appointed as Director of the SoE; organisation and running of the IMST Conference and the IMST Award (; 30th anniversary celebration of the PFL programmes (12.10.2012); seven new PFL programmes commence.


Gertraud Diem-Wille retires and is succeeded by Agnes Turner; Franz Rauch is nominated as new Head of Department for the period 2012-2013; organisation and running of three conferences (AEPF Conference, IMST Autumn Conference, CARN Conference); conclusion of the university certificate programmes PFL Natural Sciences, PFL ArtHist, PFL English and ProFiL; joint resolution together with the Federal Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture (BMUKK) regarding the continuation and doubling in number of PFL programmes (reaching ten in total); continued work on the realisation of the School of Education (extension of the special appointment of Konrad Krainer by the Rector, staging of the first “Centre Conference”, and installation of a provisional management team).


Johannes Mayr takes sabbatical leave; continued work on the realisation of the School of Education (special appointment of Konrad Krainer by the Rector); start of new IMST phase 2010-2012; EU project “Fibonacci” commences and EU project “PROFILES” receives authorisation; new start of university certificate programme PFL Mathematics; conclusion of the programmes Psychoanalytic Observational Studies – Personality Development and Learning, and Gender Symmetry in Schools; Conference „In-Depth In-Sights“ (7.-8.5.2010).


Florian Müller concludes his habilitation and is granted the venia for Educational Science with a particular focus on Empirical Educational Research; re-conception of IMST (German abbreviation for “Innovations Put Schools on Top”); special appointment of Konrad Krainer for the establishment of a key area of focus in educational science (School of Education).


The IMST fund is augmented to include the subject German; Konrad Krainer takes sabbatical leave (Monash University, Melbourne, Australia); international conference „Teachers Learn. Approaches to and Findings from Advanced Teacher Education“ in cooperation with the Carinthian University College of Teacher Education.


IMST3 Plus is extended to include the primary school level; 25th anniversary celebration of the IUS and presentation of the ring of honour to Peter Posch.


The university certificate programme “Subject-specific Educational Management” commences; Johannes Mayr takes up his duties as full professor for “Quality Development and Quality Assurance in the Field of Education”; Marlies Krainz-Dürr is appointed as founding Rector of the Carinthian University College of Teacher Education (taking a sabbatical at the IUS).


Conference “Applied Psychology” in Vienna (coordinated by Gertraud Diem-Wille); the university certificate programme Education for Sustainable Development – Innovations in Teacher Education (BINE) restarts.


IMST3 begins; the Department of Instructional and School Development (IUS) is established as part of the IFF Faculty of the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt; the university certificate programme Education for Sustainable Development – Innovations in Teacher Education (BINE) commences.


Konrad Krainer is appointed Associated Editor of JMTE; 1st IMST Conference “Innovations in the Instruction of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Informatics” in Salzburg (hereinafter it is held once a year).


International conference “Transcending Boundaries in Education and Schools” (simultaneously the 3rd ÖFEB Conference) in cooperation with the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, the Federal Teacher Education Academy in Carinthia, the Pedagogical Institute, and the Centre for School Development (coordinated by Marlies Krainz-Dürr); Franz Rauch concludes his habilitation and is granted the venia for School Education with a particular focus on Environmental Education.


Start of PFL Primary School; Konrad Krainer commences work as full professor for Continued Education with a particular focus on School Development.


IMST2 begins; the Master programme ProFiL commences; Konrad Krainer, Marlies Krainz-Dürr and Franz Rauch each receive the professional title of “Academic Organisational Consultant”; Peter Posch retires.


Franz Rauch is named Associate Editor of Educational Action Research; Marlies Krainz-Dürr joins the editorial board of the Journal of School Development.


The IMST project commences; the Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education (JMTE) is established; Konrad Krainer is appointed as leader of the PISA Mathematics expert panel; 60th birthday celebrations for Peter Posch in Klagenfurt.


PFL ArtHist and PFL EAA restart; Konrad Krainer is a founding member of the European Society for Mathematics Education (ERME); Franz Rauch is granted a Fulbright grant for the USA; conference “Innovations in University-based Teacher Education” at IFF Vienna (coordinated by Gertraud Diem-Wille and Josef Thonhauser).


Gertraud Diem-Wille is visiting professor at Vienna University; Konrad Krainer is visiting professor at the University of Georgia and visiting scholar at the University of Iowa.


Konrad Krainer concludes his habilitation and is granted the venia for Didactics of Mathematics; the university certificate programme Organisational Development in the Field of Education (OEB) in cooperation with the EOS Association commences.


Gertraud Diem-Wille receives the Schrödinger grant 1992/93 (visit to the Tavistock Centre, London).


Educational Science conference “Teachers Set Precedents” in Klagenfurt (coordinated by Konrad Krainer and Walter Tietze).


Gertraud Diem-Wille concludes her habilitation and is granted the venia for General Educational Science; establishment of the department “School and Social Learning” at the Inter-University Institute for Interdisciplinary Research and Education (IFF).


The university certificate programme “Political Education” commences (Rudolf Wimmer, Gertraud Diem-Wille, and others).


The university certificate programmes for Educational Theory and Subject Didactics for Teachers (PFL) commence, initiated amongst others by Peter Posch, Roland Fischer, Konrad Krainer, and Christa Piber.


The Inter-University Research Institute for Distance Studies (IFF) is established.