The IUS is initiator and part of the German-language CARN network. CARN D.A.CH. sees itself as a subgroup of the Collaborative Action Research Network (CARN) and open to German-speaking members interested in discussing and writing up action research in German. Currently there are participants from Austria, Germany, Switzerland, South Tyrol and the Czech Republic.

CARN D.A.CH organises an annual network meeting in a German speaking country or region. These meetings provide opportunities for the presentation and exchange of research concepts, processes and results. The meetings are designed as symposia within which theories of action research are discussed and research processes reflected upon.

Aims of CARN D.A.CH.

  • To network and exchange on topics relevant to action research.
  • To negotiate terms, structures, definitions, standards and quality criteria for action research.
  • To develop methods of participation, communication, interaction and reflection.
  • To increase the visibility of action research in society.
  • To offer training and further training in the field of action research.
  • To organise joint symposia at conferences.

You can find further information about the international CARN D.A.CH. Network:

CARN D.A.CH activities and meetings

CARND.A.CH.-Conference 2023, 9th – 10th February 2023 at the Pedagogical University Steiermark in Graz. Theme “Action research in practice: from research-based learning to professional learning”

CARND.A.CH. Conference, 21st – 22nd January 2022, online at the University of Klagenfurt, Institute of Instructional and School Development: Theme: Past – Present – New Future

CARND.A.CH. Conference, 22nd – 23rd January 2021, online Universität Klagenfurt, Institute of Instructional and School Development. Theme Action Research: Past – Present – Future

CARND.A.CH. conference, 17th – 18th January 2020, Free University Bozen, Faculty for Educational Research, Campus Brixen

CARND.A.CH. conference, 18th – 19th January 2019, Pedagogical University Tirol in Innsbruck.

CARND.A.CH. conference, 22. bis 23.1.2021, Universität Klagenfurt, Institut für Unterrichts- und Schulentwicklung zum Thema Aktionsforschung: Geschichte – Gegenwart – Zukunft

CARND.A.CH. conference, 17. – 18.1.2020, Freie Universität Bozen, Fakultät für Bildungswissenschaften, Campus Brixen: DACH VIII Report

CARND.A.CH. conference, 18. – 19.1.2019, Pädagogischen Hochschule Tirol/Innsbruck: CARN_DACH_ConferenceProceedings


The upcoming CARN Conference is to be held from 26th Oct – 28th Oct 2023 at The Friends’ Meeting House, Manchester.

CARN-Conference in Dundee was postponend. Further informations


Angela Schuster

Franz Rauch

Christine Lechner