Mentoring: Professionally accompanying the entry into the teaching profession


This university certificate programme qualifies experienced teachers to professionally develop supportive relationships with – mostly younger – students or colleagues (mentees) with the aim to support and guide them in their professional development to become competent and reflected practitioners. The participants acquire skills that allow them to effectively transfer their knowledge and to demonstrate their competencies in terms of daily school life and their specialist subject within the context of their personal teaching experience. They learn how to assist with the planning and implementation of lessons and how to guide the mentees during their entry into the active teaching profession.

As well as qualifying participants for accompanying school practice and/or the induction stage, they are also trained how to prepare development profiles and expert reports. Furthermore, they are taught the necessary skills to be able to contribute to appropriate courses at University Colleges of Teacher Education, and for the supervision of Master’s theses. However, the focus of their mentoring activity lies on providing counselling for the planning, implementation, reflection and evaluation of situations arising during instruction and training, as well as in the personal support of mentees in their professional development within the school organization.

Target group

Teachers who have completed a relevant degree programme lasting at least six semesters at a post-secondary or tertiary education establishment, and who have at least five years of relevant professional experience. The target group for this university certificate programme also includes those individuals, who have completed their BAKIP or BASOP education (or an equivalent programme) and have at least five years of relevant professional experience.

Further information is available at