Teaching and Counselling at the IUS

The comprehensive range of courses available at the IUS is used predominantly by students enrolled in the teacher education programmes, the psychology programme, and the pedagogy and educational sciences programme, as well as by practising teachers. High-profile experts, both from Austria and from abroad, are also invited to take up current topics.

The department fulfils a prominent role in teacher education. Within the scope of the teacher education programme for the secondary level general education, the coordination office located at the IUS works together with the contributing lecturers to manage the content and the organisation of the Principles of Educational Science in the teacher education programme and also advises students and those interested in studying with regard to teacher education. Furthermore, the Department implements the new practice model within the context of teacher education in cooperation with the Carinthian University College of Teacher Education.

One important aspect of the work carried out at the IUS focuses on the advanced training of teachers and related professional groups, which takes place in university certificate programmes lasting several semesters (e.g. the programmes PFL, ProFiL and MPOS, concluding with a Master’s certificate).