oekolog_logo_kleinThe aim of the ÖKOLOG (German abbreviation) Programme is to make schools and University Colleges of Teacher Education (German abbreviation: PH) more ecological. Environmental education is firmly embedded as part of the school programme. With 450 ÖKOLOG schools at all school levels and 6 ÖKOLOG Colleges of Teacher Education, it is the largest network for school and the environment in Austria today. For the past 15 years, ÖKOLOG schools and Colleges of Teacher Education have been delivering an important contribution to sustainability education and to school development in Austria. ÖKOLOG intends to encourage and motivate schools to further increase their activities in a variety of action areas (e.g. energy, water, waste, health, school climate, social issues and values). This not only involves the realisation of numerous projects revolving around the topic of sustainability, but also represents the endeavour to establish a sustainable structure. Working in collaboration with the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education and Women’s Affairs (BMBF), the IUS has been responsible for coordinating the ÖKOLOG Programme and Network since March 2015.

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