Call for submissions: Günther Ossimitz Memorial Award (GO Award)
1. Oktober 2019
The Günther Ossimitz Memorial Award (GO Award) was created to commemorate the innovative contributions of Günther Ossimitz (1958-2013) to the further development of systems sciences. Until his death in 2013, Günther Ossimitz worked at the Alpen-Adria-Universität as Associate Professor of Mathematics Didactics. In his major works he dealt with the development of systemic thinking in children and the integration of systemic principles from different cultures. His special passion was the promotion of young scientists.
The GO Award is given to persons whose work deals with the application or further development of contributions from Systems dynamics, Agent based modeling, Data science and/or Artificial intelligence.
Target group: Graduates (MA and PhD) of a European tertiary educational institution and/or European citizens. Applications with subject-specific, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches from the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities as well as engineering and design sciences are welcome.
Possible contributions with focus on development:
– Studies that enable us to formalize system approaches for analytical methods.
Possible contributions with focus on applications:
– Data-based, quantitative system modeling (e.g. simulation models, ….)
– Qualitative and explorative modelling (e.g. conceptual models, soft systems methodologies, causal loop diagrams, ….)
Winners will be awarded prize money of EUR 1,000,– and presented at the European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems Research. All selected nominees will receive an honorary certificate.
Required documents:
The paper and other documents must be submitted in English. Exceptions are described under further information online. The prerequisite for funding is that the work has been completed within the last two years (date of grading).
The self-nomination should include the following:
- a one- to three-page nomination letter highlighting the exceptional research presented in the thesis;
- a curriculum vitae of the applicant, not exceeding three pages;
- a copy of the thesis, and
- a letter from a supervisor or mentor supporting the nomination.
If available:
- Publication of the results;
- Presentation of the work at a place other than the home university;
- Recognition by the student’s university;
- Number of quotes (e.g. via Google Scholar or in lectures);
- Application of the work in practical areas, e.g. industry, government, NGOs.
Further information:
Submission platform:
Further questions:
Important dates for the 2019 Award:
Call closes: 31.10.2019
Decision until: 30.11.2019
Announcement of the winners: December 2019
The GO Award was created by crowdfunding of Dr. Barbara Hanfstingl, Associate Professor at the Institute of Instructional and School Development of the AAU and strategically developed and institutionally anchored by the Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science (BCSSS).