Ruth Lerchster

Ruth Lerchster
- ruth.lerchster [ÄT]
- +43 (0) 463 2700 6174
- Publications
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- Projects
Professional Employment and Experience
- 1982-1987 Tourism school in Villach and Bad Ischl passed with merit (average of 2.0 or better, Matura and Concession certificate)
- 1998-2004 Psychology and group dynamics studies at the University of Klagenfurt
- Since 1998 Group dynamic trainer and organisational consultant education in the ÖGGO
- Since 2002 Freelance trainer and consultant
- 2003 Member of the NPOol, a group of young ÖGGO consultants specialised on solutions in the non-profit-sector (
- 2003-2005 Board member of the ÖGGO – Austrian Society for Group Dynamics and Organization Consulting, (
- Since 2004 Scientific staff member at the IFF- Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies, Institute of Intervention Research and Cultural Sustainability (IKN)
- Since 2004 Lecturer at the Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
- Since 2006 Assistant at the IFF, Institute of Intervention Research and Cultural Sustainability (IKN); since January 2015 O.G.I.
- Since 2010 Senior Scientist at the O.G.I. (formerly IKN)
- Since 2014 Teaching coach in the Austrian Society for Group Dynamics and Organization Consulting
- Since 2016 Member of the training committee (ABA) of the ÖGGO
Work and research areas
- Group dynamics
- Intervention research
- Conflict research
- Organisation research
- School development
- Corporate development
- Adult education
- Further inter- and transdisciplinary social sciences
- University Klagenfurt
- Karl-Franzens-University Graz
- Technical University (TU) Vienna
- University Kassel (D)
- University Halle-Wittenberg (D)
Memberships and Voluntary commitment
- Since 2001 Member of the Austrian Society for Group Dynamics and Organisation Consulting (ÖGGO)
- 2003-2005 ÖGGO board member – Austrian Society for Group Dynamics and Organisation Consulting
- 2003 Co-founding of the network NPOol, a network with the specialisation on solutions in the non-profit area
- 2006 Foundation of the Nettcom-Network – a community for the development of analogue and digital communication
- 2007-2017 Board member of the Universitäts.Club/Wissenschaftsverein Kärnten
- 2009-2015 Vice president of the Universitäts.Club/Wissenschaftsverein Kärnten
- Since 2016 Member of the training committee of the ÖGGO
- 2007-2017 Organisation of the TOP Management symposium of the Universitäts.Clubs
More about myself you find here.