Franz Rauch

ao.Univ-Prof. Mag. Dr.
Franz Rauch


Prof. Dr. Franz Rauch, is currently head of the Institute of Instructional and School Development (IUS) at the Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt (Austria). He holds a master’s degree in Natural Sciences (teaching certification), a Ph.D. in Education and a Habilitation in Education (with a focus in Environmental Education). He worked as science teacher at vocational schools for several years. He has been a research fellow at the University of Northumbria in Newcastle upon Tyne, England and Fulbright Scholar at the University of Missouri – St. Louis, USA.

Since 1991 he has been involved in research and development projects internationally and nationally. He is a member of the editorial boards of Educational Action Research Journal and the Journal of Environmental Education.

His areas of research, teaching and publication are

  • education for sustainable development
  • networks in education
  • school development
  • science education
  • continuing education for teachers and action research.